Air Canada and Air Canada Cargo also offer the capacity to Madrid and Barcelona on passenger service with five weekly flights from Toronto
Air Canada has announced that it has operated the first flight of a Boeing 767-300 freighter by Air Canada Cargo into Madrid as it continues to expand its freighter network in Europe. Through its extensive network of freighter and passenger flights, shipments from the US, Latin America, and Canada can connect easily to Madrid and Barcelona via the carrier’s Toronto hub.
“With our second Boeing 767-300 freighter now in the fleet, we are growing our footprint in Europe. In addition to flights to Frankfurt, Air Canada Cargo will offer three flights per week to Madrid, arriving from Toronto and Halifax, filled with freight from its Canadian, the US, and Latin American freighter network, providing a direct connection for Spanish goods to Canada and beyond,” said Matthieu Casey, Managing Director, Commercial, at Air Canada Cargo. “Air Canada and Air Canada Cargo are committed to delivering reliable, dedicated capacity to the European market as we continue to expand out freighter fleet. This includes the recent announcement of the acquisition of two new 767-300F aircraft that will enter service in 2023.”
Air Canada and Air Canada Cargo also offer the capacity to Madrid and Barcelona on passenger service with five weekly flights from Toronto.